
You must validate your ticket at the MCAA registration table EACH DAY of the conference unless you are an overnight guest of Embassy Suites.

Download MCAA Parking [PDF, 763kb]
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Hotel Guest Parking
Are you here for the MCAA and a guest of Embassy Suites? Enter the center once you have your room key.

Conference Parking for Embassy Suite Hotel Overnight Guests

Registered conference guests who are also staying overnight at Embassy Suites need to follow these instructions:

  • Register at the hotel and obtain your room key.
  • Enter the parking garage through the center lane of the Burns Avenue entrance.
  • Hold the room key against the box labeled “HOTEL.”
  • Continue through the second gate (also in the middle) using the room key.

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General MCAA Parking
Enter the far right if you are here for the MCAA but are NOT staying at Embassy Suites.

Conference Parking for All MCAA Participants

All registered conference guests need to follow these instructions:

  • Enter the parking garage through the farthest right gate off of the Burns Avenue entrance. DO NOT ENTER through the gate labeled "Hotel Parking."
  • Take a ticket from the gate kiosk.
  • Park anywhere on the first level of the garage.
  • Obtain a validation sticker from the MCAA registration table EACH DAY and stick it on your ticket.
  • When exiting the garage, FIRST scan the barcode on your ticket.
  • THEN, scan the validation sticker as your form of “payment.”
  • REPEAT each day of the conference.

Campus Parking

Visit Guest & Visitor Parking for information about parking on the University of Notre Dame campus.