MCAA Banquet

Program of Events

Saturday, September 14, 6:30-9:00 pm
Location: The Champion Ballroom, Embassy Suites

6:30 pm | Dinner

7:00 pm | Welcome Remarks

Alexander Hsu, MCAA 2024 Program Chair, University of Notre Dame
Jonathan Noble, Senior Assistant Provost for Internationalization, University of Notre Dame

Awards Ceremony for Student Paper Prizes

Presented by Nobuko Adachi MCAA Vice President and 2024 Paper Prize Coordinator

David Plath Graduate Prize in Northeast Asia
 Ran Wei, Washington University in St. Louis
“The Power of Nostalgia: Materiality, Solidarity, and Resistance in the 16mm Film The Kamagasaki Cauldron War (Tsukiyo no Kamagassen, 2017)”

Percy Buchanan Graduate Prize in China & Inner Asia
Jinsub Song, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
“The Divergence of Self in the Dasheng Qixin Lun and True Self as A Priori Foundation”

Percy Buchanan Graduate Prize in South Asia
Tathagata Bhowmik, Case Western Reserve University
“The Creation of Neoliberal Cultural Commodities out of Subaltern Artists: 
The Case of Indian Baul Musicians”

Mikiso Hane Prize
Thomas Holland, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
“Aesthetics of the Sex Trade: Geisha in Edo and Elsewhere”

Sidney Devere Brown Prize
Xiyun Wu, University of Notre Dame
“Urban Drifts/Adrift: Rebels of the Neon God (1992) and Fallen Angels (1995)”

Keynote Address: “Home Cooking and Gendered Labor in Global Korea”

Introduction: Michel Hockx, MCAA President
Keynote Speaker: Hyaeweol Choi, President, Association for Asian Studies

Closing Remarks

Michel Hockx, MCAA President